Nick Scangas
Nick Scangas is the President and Chief Operating Officer of Cedar's Mediterranean Foods, Inc. During his tenure at Cedar's, he has applied his knowledge and expertise in engineering, food production, management, and quality control. His unique background in evolving food technologies have positioned him for success at Cedar's and, as a private brand champion, has helped the company thrive in both co-manufacturing and private label brands. Under his leadership, Cedar's has become the world’s largest hummus producer with continued growth in sales of 15%-25% each year that necessitating a $65-million expansion. Nick’s willingness to explore new manufacturing efficiencies has helped the company further innovate and become a most wanted manufacturer of food products above and beyond Mediterranean items. Under his guidance, Cedar's has also achieved Level 3 SQF certification, making it one of the safest and most trusted private label co-pack manufacturers in the business.