PLMA member benefits include sales and networking opportunities through exhibiting at trade shows, complimentary registration to programs such as Lunch and Learn, and the Annual Meeting & Leadership Conference. Other perks include a member rate for the Executive Education Program, access to market research through the Private Label Report, updates on industry news, and access to an exclusive members’ only Website.
Trade Shows
The key to PLMA’s success as an organization is its trade shows, providing private label manufacturers with selling opportunities in the U.S., Canada and around the world.
United States
The largest concentration of private label buyers anywhere convenes each year at PLMA’s Annual Private Label Trade Show in Chicago. Top decision-makers from supermarkets, drug chains, mass merchandisers, wholesalers, co-ops, convenience stores, department stores and military exchanges come to find suppliers and new products. For more information please contact or call +1 212 972-3131.
PLMA’s annual “World of Private Label” International Trade Show has grown to more than 4,500 stands and now represents manufacturers from nearly 75 countries. This show attracts buyers from supermarkets, hypermarkets, discounters, and importers and exporters from across Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. The show is held annually at the RAI Exhibition Centre in Amsterdam. Visit for more information.
Keeping up with the latest trends, solving industry-wide problems, and helping member manufacturers to network is the focus of PLMA’s annual conferences and seminars.
Annual Meeting & Leadership Conference
PLMA’s Annual Meeting & Leadership Conference is the industry’s opportunity each year to discuss current issues and prospects for the future. It allows members to confer with partners and peers, as well as retailers and wholesalers, in a business casual atmosphere to gain knowledge about the industry.
Executive Education and Professional Development
Executive Education Program
PLMA’s Executive Education Program, developed in 2001 was designed to meet the needs of manufacturers, retailers, suppliers and brokers at all levels. It employs a variety of teaching methods, including lecture and workshop. The June program is held in conjunction with Saint Joseph’s University. PLMA also offers a two-day version in Chicago during the weekend just prior to PLMA's Annual Private Label Trade Show in November. For international members, PLMA partners with a major university in the Netherlands to provide executive education. For more information about education, contact PLMA at +1 212 972-3131 or
Lunch and Learn
PLMA's Lunch and Learn online series was launched in April 2021 with a session on the development of strategic communication and sustainable partnerships for private brands. As the series has evolved, created in partnership with leading industry advisors, additional one-hour interactive lunchtime meetings offer registrants what they needed to power their professional development, help them future proof their private brands business, and ensure their success. Members can attend the virtual program free of charge. For more information, contact PLMA at +1 212 972-3131 or
Market Research
Store Brand Market Performance
PLMA has partnered with Circana to offer a valuable new member benefit: complimentary store brand sales data from Circana. Monthly, you now can access store brand sales performance in 317 categories and over 960 sub-categories through our Unify+ portal on
Consumer Opinion Surveys
Working with SurveyLab and other market research specialists, PLMA conducts regular research into shopping attitudes, giving members insights into how consumers feel about store brands. Recent studies include “The Rise of Loyal Shoppers,” “The Millennials Are Coming,” and our soon to be released report on Gen Z and store brands.
Information and Communication

e-scanner Newsletter
Members receive PLMA’s e-scanner each month with news about retailers, store brands marketing and merchandising, and PLMA activities.
PLMA Live!
Every month, features in-depth video coverage of events, trends, news and personalities of importance to the private label industry.