Most Retailers Holding On to Customer Loyalty

A global report by dunhummby shows that customer loyalty is holding strong at major retailers worldwide despite the continued tough economic conditions facing many shoppers.

Among several key findings, it revealed that, despite some news headlines suggesting otherwise, most retailers (70%) have been successful in maintaining and even increasing their base of loyal customers in recent years, with more than half (53%) seeing an increase in take-up of loyalty schemes.

Meanwhile, 70% of customers were buying more private label products than at the same time the previous year.

In the grocery retail sector, tried and tested approaches to loyalty and personalization programmes, such as personalized offers and members-only pricing, remained ahead of new technologies in both current implementations and imminent plans among retailers worldwide.

The study also suggested that future plans are likely to be based on mobile apps and omnichannel marketing rather than technologies such as chatbots or augmented reality.