Consumers Buying Record Amounts of Specialty Food

Shoppers have a growing interest in specialty food, to a record-breaking degree, according to research by the Specialty Food Association.

The SFA found more than three in four consumers report purchasing specialty food, which is the most ever, according to the findings.Bill Lynch, president of the group, said these findings will mean "Grocery retail will be making more room on their shelves for specialty foods and seeking out more specialty food products to meet consumer demand."

The report found that specialty food purchases are holding steady among many age groups and has risen 6% over last year among millennials, who represent the highest number of specialty food consumers, the survey found. Over 80% of millennials were found to be ‘likely’ to buy specialty foods in each of the last four years, the survey revealed.

Younger consumers also seem to be attracted to the category. The SFA report found Gen Z is a rising generation showing great interest in specialty food with 78% saying they were likely to make specialty food purchases, which is now equal to Gen X's likelihood to buy specialty food, the survey found.

The study showed the reasons generational shoppers were drawn to specialty foods. Gen Z and Millennials are interested in a company’s value and philosophy, and commitments to eliminating food waste. The two generations of shoppers also are interested to see products from diverse suppliers while Baby Boomers and older shoppers, on the other hand, are more focused on whether a product is local or regional, the survey said.