Special offers, discounts, or promotions are the top motivator (34%) for purchasing frozen products, followed by curiosity about new flavors (28%) and recommendations (28%), according to a study by The National Frozen & Refrigerated Foods Association. The research, conducted in partnership with Morning Consult, surveyed 2,200 U.S. adults and analyzed behaviors and purchase motivators.
Meanwhile, in the dairy category, hormone-free and antibiotic-free attributes are in demand, with 62% of respondents highlighting their importance when selecting dairy products. In contrast, only 47% emphasized the importance of organic labeling.
Health benefits such as probiotics and high protein content are a leading motivator for trying new dairy products (33%), followed by discounts (29%) and personal recommendations (28%).
In other findings, over half (52%) of consumers explore new recipes to add variety, often finding inspiration from online recipe websites (42%) and social media platforms (40%).
Additionally, consumers expressed interest in grocery stores enhancing meal inspiration with sections featuring ready-to-eat ideas (71%) and themed recipe displays (62%).