PLMA's 2023 Trade Show by the Numbers

With PLMA’s sold-out 2023 Private Label Trade Show only days away, the final numbers from the show are eye catching.

Overall, more than 10,000 retailers, exhibitors and other visitors will be part of PLMA’s 2023 Private Label Trade Show and there is a record number of 1,675 exhibitors.

In addition, there are close to six hundred brand new exhibitors at the PLMA Show this year and the Show is 20% larger than last year. This has resulted in producing an additional 435 exhibit booths.

Overall, there are 2,750 exhibit booths on the Show floor spread throughout the North, South and Sky Halls.

But there is more. Non-food exhibitors alone expanded by 40% encompassing categories like health and beauty, housewares, home, and office products. In addition, more than 45% of the Show floor consists of suppliers from outside the U.S.

Nearly 60 countries will be represented at the Show, including 40 national pavilions from Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Denmark, Estonia, France, Georgia, Greece, Guatemala, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Lithuania, Peru, Republic of Serbia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, among others.

Tens of thousands of products in categories from center store food, snacks, and beverages to fresh, frozen, and refrigerated; and from beauty, personal care and over-the-counter pharmaceuticals to household products, kitchenware, and pet care. Enough to satisfy every visitor looking to source the best in-store brands for all channels.

Do not miss seeing it for yourself. Visitor registration is still open, please click here or contact +1 212 972-3131 or e-mail