Opportunities arise for store brands targeting younger shoppers, according to Ubimo, a Quotient brand, and its recent consumer shopper study centered around pandemic behaviors.
The location intelligence platform Ubimo studied shopper behavior, comparing August of this year with behaviors from the same time-period in 2020. The study found shopper loyalty has increased since the pandemic’s impact, as 88% of the U.S. shoppers surveyed said they usually visit the same store, an increase of 5%. This was especially true for Generation Z. The study found 90% of Gen Z shoppers visited the same store for their shopping this year vs. only 73% a year ago.
With younger consumers having a strong relationship with stores, retailers can act upon this and use their store brands to capitalize on that retail brand loyalty. How retailers reach those consumers is also important. According to the study, 80% of consumers think brand messaging is important, particularly in the wake of COVID-19. Compared to August of 2020, there was a 17% increase in consumers who believe that messaging is important, and a 22% increase in respondents who believe messaging is extremely important.
The Ubimo study also found a third of shoppers across all demographics make more shopping trips today than they did at the height of the pandemic. More than half said they have changed how they shop and now plan ahead more so they can make faster shopping trips.